April 3, 2011

The Message and Conference

Read this. It's definitely worth your time.
It caught my eye amongst our huge collection of books in the weird room and I'm very thankful for that.  It taught me a lot about serving, angels that are in our midst, promptings of the Spirit, and what I believe the world after this will be like.

Some favorites from conference:
"We receive our answers when we are on our feet." -Uchtdorf
"The only way to see the view is to make the climb." -Johnson
"The final judgment is not a sum of our doings, it's what we have become."

I definitely gain a lot more from conference after it is out in the Ensign, but as an attempt to change that, I am going to:
1.) Attend the temple weekly
2.) Serve someone each day


  1. I LOVE that book! I just gave it to Mitchs dad for his birthday yesterday! I loved that quote about it being what we have become as well! Love you!

  2. Katelyn I can't believe I never knew you had a blog! But this post makes me happy! Can we please be blogging friends? You're adorable. And I love your conference quotes.

  3. Jen isn't it so cool!? I don't know why everyone hasn't read it. I was amazed at how cool it is! Rachel. Funny, I was juuust stalking your blog.. hahah yes I'm so happy we're blogging friends, you're seriously the cutest!!

  4. K your blog is so cute! I've been making my stalking rounds and yours is definitely one that I love looking at. haha It's so happy and I love your little quotes on the side. Oh and the picture of you as a little girl is adorable!

  5. Haylee you're so sweet! Thank you thank you and your blog is adorable! I'm so glad I found it so I can absorb it's happy vibe. Definitely gonna stalk you often.
